Client: The Ministry of Social Development (MSD)
As part of the Paiheretia initiative, MSD was training its frontline (Māori) case managers in how to work with tāne and their whānau in contact with the Justice system. The purpose was to support tāne and their whānau back into wellness and employment.
What we did
BIT partnered with WēBē and Dr Takirirangi Smith (Ngati Kahungunu) to develop a two day training course for frontline case managers in trauma-informed care and the path back to wellbeing and employment. The training supported staff to work not just with the tāne but the whole whānau. During the two day training, we shared a number of mana protecting and mana enhancing strategies, underpinned by Dr Smith’s Whare Tipuna model, and supported by Western neurobiology and trauma science.
The two day training was delivered to frontline MSD case managers in Napier and received high feedback.
Key take-aways
We used both kaupapa Māori and behavioural science approaches to underpin our whānau-centred training for MSD frontline case managers. We have expertise in group facilitation and trauma-informed care to support pathways back to wellbeing and employment. We have experience working at the interface between mental health and the justice and social systems.