How we work

We intentionally work to bridge the gap between Te Ao Māori and Western science. This means partnering and working collaboratively with Māori, Pacific, and others to bring together the best of different knowledge systems. 

We work in an agile way, bringing together the right team for the mahi (work), and responding dynamically to the fast moving pace of policy and service development.

We use a systems lens in all our mahi to understand not just the component parts of the system but the environment in which they operate, and how they interact with each other. 

We underpin all of our mahi with values that uphold the mana of the communities and people we work with.

What we do

  • Photo by Pass the Honey on Unsplash

    Consultancy: Behaviour change

    We apply behavioural science and mātauranga Māori to improve policies and services. This involves drawing on knowledge of human behaviour from psychology, economics, social sciences and Te Ao Māori to unpack policy issues, understand problems, and improve policies and services.

    We use a tool called behavioural journey mapping to clarify the behavioural steps involved in a policy or service in order to understand the barriers and enablers to the desired behaviours at each step.


    Research projects

    We evaluate using qualitative and quantitative methods to frame and understand a policy or service challenge. Co-design is a core feature throughout. We conduct deep dives into the current state of knowledge in a field to produce rapid literature reviews. We connect with the people affected by an issue to explore the reasons for behaviours from their point of view. We specialise in conducting culturally sensitive empathy interviews that use open-ended questions to elicit stories and uncover experiences and unacknowledged needs. We also design, conduct, and analyse high quality surveys. We use all of the information collected to imagine and create the best solutions together.

  • Photo by <a href="">UX Indonesia</a> on <a href="">Unsplash<

    Capability building workshops

    We facilitate creative and fun capability building workshops in behaviour change, including application of behavioural science to policy and services. We use interactive and experiential learning to give participants the best experience and facilitate new learning.

  • Therapeutic training and groups

    We provide holistic training and workshops - responsive to all the dimensions of body, mind, and spirit - for frontline workers to support their work with tamariki and whānau. We also run groups directly with whānau and couples. At the centre of all our therapeutic work is a deep understanding of emotions, attachment, trauma and the journey to wellness. We draw on a range of therapeutic modalities including: emotionally focused couples therapy, trauma-informed care, cognitive behavioural therapy, motivational interviewing, mindfulness, and effective goal setting.

Spaces we work in

We work in the health, social and environmental sectors and have a particular focus on holistic wellbeing, child and family health, mental health, and the broader physical, emotional, and cultural environment.